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Archive for December 13th, 2014

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While everyone continues to go crazy for coffee, we’d like to point your attention toward tea. Yes, tea, the beverage that can soothe you when you want to relax or wake you up when you need an extra push. Basically, tea is great and you should consume it just as much as your beloved java.

Without further ado, here are nine reasons you should drink tea every single day. (We still love you, coffee.)

  1. First things first, tea is way easier to make than coffee.

Most of the time, you need a whole machine to make coffee, and you may even have to grind some beans. To make tea, all you need is boiling water, tea and a cup. It’s that simple.

  1. Green tea could have the power to help keep your bones healthy.

For elderly folks, studies have shown that drinking green tea may help lessen the risk of osteoporotic bone fractures.

  1. Drinking unsweetened black tea could help fix bad breath.

If you have a case of halitosis, you may want to start drinking black tea. Researchers at the University Of Chicago College Of Dentistry found that black tea contains chemical components called polyphenols that slow down the formation of plaque-causing bacteria. The polyphenols also reduce “acid production levels,” helping to prevent periodontal disease.

  1. It’s considered a “necessity of life” in China, so maybe it should be for you, too.

Along with firewood, rice, oil, “chiang,” salt and vinegar, tea is considered one of the things “people cannot do without every day,” according to the proverbial “seven necessities of life” created by the Sung Chinese people.

  1. Tea has the power to calm you down.

Some research has suggested that valerian root tea could act as a safe and effective mild natural sleep aid. In a German study, 202 adults either took valerian extract or a prescription anti-anxiety drug. The people who took valerian extract reported “equal improvement in sleep quality, feeling rested and how long they slept as those taking the prescription drug.”

  1. Its kind of a presidential order.

If the President of the United States is obsessed with tea, then you should be too. A2009 New York Times article that details the changes Obama made to the White House stated that the fridges were stocked with his favorite brand of organic tea: Honest Tea. Apparently, his favorite flavors are “Black Forest Berry” and “Green Dragon.”

  1. It could relieve your seasonal allergies before you even get them.

If you’re suffering from seasonal allergies you may want to start your day with a cup of nettle leaf tea. While more research still needs to be done, a preliminary studyfollowed 69 people and found that freeze-dried nettle leaf could “slightly improve allergy symptoms.”

  1. Some experts believe that drinking tea can sometimes be better than drinking water.

Researchers at the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that tea rehydrates you just as much as water does by replacing fluids in your body. And because tea has antioxidants, there’s an added bonus. “Water is essentially replacing fluid. Tea replaces fluids and contains antioxidants so it’s got two things going for it,” public health nutritionist Dr. Carrie Ruxton said in an interview with BBC.

  1. Afternoon tea. Need we say more?

There are parties dedicated to drinking tea, which include sandwiches that are delicious. Here’s a little history: In 1840, Anna Maria Stanhope, the seventh Duchess of Bedford, thought of the genius idea of having afternoon tea “to bridge the lengthy gap between luncheon and dinner.” In order to retain a good (but restrained) appetite for the sweet scones and iced cakes that accompany such an event, the preceding sandwiches that were eaten at this event needed to be filling but too filling. Thus came dainty mini crust less sandwiches that have lighter fillings like cucumber and eggs for a tasty, quick snack.


1. Raisins health benefits for Digestion:

Having a few raisins every day is good for your stomach. Raisins contain fibers that start to swell in the presence of water. This gives the stomach a laxative effect and helps to relieve constipation. Also daily intake of raisins keeps the bowel movement regular and the fibers help to keep toxins and waste products out of the system.

2. Reduces Acidity:

Raisins contain potassium and magnesium in good levels. Thus these help reduce acidity and helps remove the toxins from the system preventing diseases like arthritis, gout, kidney stones and heart diseases.

3. Helps against Anemia:

Raisins have a good amount of Iron as well as B-Complex Vitamins in them which help to treat anemia. The copper present in raisins also helps in the production of red blood cells.

4. Helps Prevent Cancer:

An antioxidant named cateching present in raisins helps to protect against the free radical activity that can cause tumors and colon cancer.

5. Helps treat Infections:

Raisins have a substance named polyphenolic phytonutrients which is well known as an anti-inflammatory anti-oxidant. It contains anti-bacterial properties which helps lower the risk of fever and kills the bacteria. Thus having a few raisins a day can keep you safe from cold and other such infections.

6. Helps reduce sexual weakness:

Consumption of raisins is also good for your sex life. Raisins contain an amino acid named Arginine which increases libido and induces arousal. It is good for men as well as it are used to treat erectile dysfunction. Also the added energy of raisins helps your conjugal life.

7. for the Eyes:

Raisins are found to be rich in polyphenolic phytonutrients which is an anti-oxidant that helps in keeping your eyesight strong. The anti oxidants in raisins help in protecting the eyes by reducing the free radical action that weakens vision and causes muscular degeneration as well as cataract. Also as raisins have vitamin A, beta carotene and A-Carotenoid, it is super good for the eyes.

8. for your Mouth and Dental Care:

Raisins contain Oleanolic acid which is one of the phyto chemicals which is essential to keep your teeth safe from decay, cavities as well as brittle teeth. Raisins prevent the growth of bacteria in the mouth to keep teeth in good shape. As they contain Calcium in good quantities, they also prevent the teeth from peeling away or breakage. Also the boron present in raisins is good for keeping germ build-up in the mouth low.

9. for your Weight management:

If you are desperately trying to gain weight, then these raisins are for your best friend. Raisins are rich in fructose as well as glucose and give you loads of energy as well as help you gain weight. It will help you gain weight without accumulating bad cholesterol.

10. for Good Bones:

Raisins also contain good amounts of Calcium which is good for bone health. They help you from arthritis and gout.

The most commonly cited health benefits were that raisins are fat and cholesterol free, high in antioxidants, contain sugars of fructose and glucose for sustained energy, are a good source of potassium, iron and dietary fiber and virtually sodium free.

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