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Water caltrop, watser chestnut or Singhara is very nutritional and beneficial for health. Singhara or water caltrop is a fruit. Its flour is used to prepare many dishes. It is cooked like veggies. It can also be eaten raw and boiled.

Singhara is used in diarreahoea, dysentery, swelling and bronchitis. Excessive eating of water caltrop gains weight.  Singhara is rich in proteins, carbohydrates, vitamin B, C, Iron, Calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, and iodine but contains no fat. It is natural anti oxidant. It prevents wrinkles, protects from UV rays and helps to boost energy.

Good for overall health: It is rich in protein, carbohydrates and minerals. Ayurveda says it contains 22 % more mineral than buffalo milk. Ayurveda use it to cure various diseases like, gout, ulcer and heart diseases. It helps to prevents diabetes.

Good source of energy: Caltrop is very rich in carbohydrate. 100 gm of it gives 115 calories

Helpful in thyroid: it contains iodine, manganese and other minerals that help in proper functioning of thyroid

Eczema: for eczema cure, apply dried caltrop mixed with lemon juice on affected area regularly

Pleas4e note:

A healthy person can eat 10 to 15 grams of caltrop daily. This also varies depending on digestive strength

Do not eat caltrop (Singhara) in access as it may cause bloating and stomach ache

Do not drink water after eating water caltrop

If suffering from constipation then better avoid eating it

Water caltrops are a perfect snack for they are rather enjoyable when shared around with friends. They taste a little like chestnut and are quite addictive. Give them a try! 😉

Boiled Water Caltrops

Water caltrops

Be careful l when handling water caltrops, the ‘horns’ are very sharp!

1. Rinse water caltrops to clean them.

  1. Placewatercaltrops in a saucepan and fill water until it covers them.
  2. Add some salt.
  3. Boil for 20~25 minutes.
  4. Once cooked, drain thewaterand transfer water caltrops to a plate.
  5. Use a pair of scissors to crack opens the shell and digs the meat out with a knife.

Water caltrops are a perfect snack for they are rather enjoyable when shared around with friends. They taste a little like chestnut and are quite addictive




How to make infused water:

Infused water involves steeping  veggies, fruits herbs with water until the flavor s fused together.

Infused water is a perfect substitute for sugary beverages such as fruit juices,soda, pre-made ice soda,and energy drinks.

Fill a glass bottle or pitcher with water and put some fruits veggies and herbs in it. leave it for 2 to 8 hours depending on how strong flavor you like.

Infused water is good for a healthy fresh look!


Cinnamon regulates blood sugar and improves blood glucose control. Just half a teaspoon of cinnamon every day can significantly reduce blood sugar levels, triglycerides, bad cholesterol, and total cholesterol levels in diabetics. Cinnamon also improves digestion, relieves congestion, and can reduce inflammation, including relieving pain and stiffness in joints due to arthritis.

1- Stay on feet——–walk or do exercise

2. Drink lots of water

3. Reduce Stress

4. Watch your weight

5. Snack smarter

Final note

Let’s close with a word of warning. These suggestions should not replace insulin or any other diabetic drugs prescribed by your doctor. As a person with diabetes, you need a team of health-care professionals and an overall treatment plan. Type  is  will need to take medication for the rest of their lives (or until the arrival of a cure). Many type 2s will need medication as well.

While there are many practical, simple ways to keep your blood sugar down (or keep it from going higher), never turn your back on solid, scientifically proven treatments. You deserve the best care possible.





21. Sugar can contribute to osteoporosis.
22. Sugar can cause a decrease in your insulin sensitivity thereby causing an abnormally high insulin levels and eventually diabetes.
23. Sugar can lower your Vitamin E levels.
24. Sugar can increase your systolic blood pressure.
25. Sugar can cause drowsiness and decreased activity in children.
26. High sugar intake increases advanced glycation end products (AGEs)(Sugar molecules attaching to and thereby damaging proteins in the body).
27. Sugar can interfere with your absorption of protein.
28. Sugar causes food allergies.
29. Sugar can cause toxemia during pregnancy.
30. Sugar can contribute to eczema in children.
31. Sugar can cause atherosclerosis and cardiovascular disease.
32. Sugar can impair the structure of your DNA.
33. Sugar can change the structure of protein and cause a permanent alteration of the way the proteins act in your body.
34. Sugar can make your skin age by changing the structure of collagen.
35. Sugar can cause cataracts and nearsightedness.
36. Sugar can cause emphysema.
37. High sugar intake can impair the physiological homeostasis of many systems in your body.
38. Sugar lowers the ability of enzymes to function.
39. Sugar intake is higher in people with Parkinson’s disease.
40. Sugar can increase the size of your liver by making your liver cells divide and it can increase the amount of liver fat.
41. Sugar can increase kidney size and produce pathological changes in the kidney such as the formation of kidney stones.
42. Sugar can damage your pancreas.
43. Sugar can increase your body’s fluid retention.
44. Sugar is enemy #1 of your bowel movement.
45. Sugar can compromise the lining of your capillaries.
46. Sugar can make your tendons more brittle.
47. Sugar can cause headaches, including migraines.
48. Sugar can reduce the learning capacity, adversely affect school children’s grades and cause learning disorders.
49. Sugar can cause an increase in delta, alpha, and theta brain waves which can alter your mind’s ability to think clearly.
50. Sugar can cause depression.
51. Sugar can increase your risk of gout.


Flaxseed is the new wonder food.

Recent studies have suggested that flaxseed may have a protective effect against breast cancer, prostate cancer, diabetes, heart disease and colon cancer. At least two of the components in flaxseed seem to contribute, says Kelley C. Fitzpatrick, director of health and nutrition with the Flax Council of Canada.

Flax seed plays three primary roles in nutrition.

 First, the seed, powdered or ground is rich in dietary fiber, both soluble and insoluble, making it a useful digestive aid.

Second, it is one of the best sources of, a nutrient with antioxidant properties.

Third, the seed contains a high concentration of omega-3 fatty acids. These fats are termed “essential” because they are necessary for survival yet cannot be produced by the body.

Care needs to be taken with storage, as flaxseeds are an unsaturated fat. Unless they’re stored in a sealed container in a cool place, they can go rotten quickly. Flaxseeds, whether ground or whole, have very high fiber content, so if you’re introducing them into your diet, it’s best to start slowly and increase the levels gradually to avoid cramping, bloating or an excessive laxative effect.

When not to take them

People with irritable bowel syndrome should speak to their doctor before consuming flaxseeds due to their high fiber levels. Those with a seizure disorder should avoid flaxseed supplements as omega-3 supplements may induce seizures. Blood-thinning medications, blood sugar-lowering medications, topical steroids, cholesterol-lowering medications and anti-inflammatory can all be affected by flaxseeds, so speak to your doctor before taking supplements or increasing dietary levels of flaxseeds.

How to eat them

The seeds can be sprinkled on fruit, veggies, cereal, salads and yogurt and also in baking or to bulk out meat dishes.  This way one increases omega-3 levels and fiber intake at the same time. Ground seeds are easily digested. Flaxseed oil shouldn’t be used for cooking since it is not stable at high temperatures.

Whole flaxseeds add a nutty flavor and crunchy texture to foods. However Benefits of Flaxseed

The key is that they all contain essential fatty acids.

There are other benefits of flaxseed oil that would apply to both sexes and include:

  • Controlling cholesterol
  • Improving the health of the bowel
  • Removing toxins
  • Helping with heart related problems
  • Treating minor skin problems and itchiness



Flax seed is a superfood, so packed with nutrients and fiber that it’s worth including in the diet every day. I can’t imagine oatmeal without it and it’s the perfect addition to green and fruit smoothies. It’s delicious sprinkled on rice, potatoes or yogurt, too. A secret ingredient that makes a good thing even better.

Facts on Flax

  1. Flax seeds are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which are important for overall brain health as well as for preventing memory loss and depression.
  2. Including flax seeds in your diet can lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels as much as 25 to 65 percent, especially in women.
  3. Eating flax seeds daily stabilizes blood sugar and can reduce the effects of diabetes.
  4. A 3 tablespoon serving of flax seeds is as rich in omega-3, -6 and -9 fatty acids as one pound of fish.
  5. Flax seeds are rich in fiber: 3 tablespoons contains one half the daily requirement.
  6. Flax seeds are rich in soluble fiber that carries toxins out of the body.
  7. Flax seeds are rich in lignans—800 times more than any food on earth—which may help fight prostate cancer, ovarian cancer, breast cancer, osteoporosis and cardiovascular disease.
  8. Lignans also decrease the severity of hot flashes and decrease inflammation related to diseases like arthritis and lupus.
  9. Flax seeds are high in protein, containing 10 grams in each 3 tablespoon serving
  10. Flax seeds are rich and filling, with their high-fiber content and omega-3 fatty acids, and create a full, satisfied feeling.

red half

Onions are eye watering but good for your body.

Onions are one of the most common ingredients of recipes in many different countries and cultures throughout the world. They come in many different forms; fresh, frozen, canned, caramelized, pickled, powdered, chopped and dehydrated and can be used in almost every type of food. It has been claimed throughout history that onions can help everything from the common cold to heart disease, diabetes and other diseases and in developing countries they are even placed on the skin to eradicate boils and blisters. Most of us eat something which includes onions every day, but few of us know exactly what health benefits they have.

No kitchen is complete without a red onion. They may make you cry, but they’re on your side when it comes to taste and health. Red onions can be used in so many recipes that you’ll probably find yourself buying them regularly. Onions are full of nutrients that will give a boost to your health

Red onion is one of the famous herbs. Apparently, in addition to spices, onion also has the function of traditional cures

Nutritional Value in Onions

Onions are naturally low in calories at only 45 calories per portion. They contain no fat or cholesterol and are very low in sodium. Onions are a good source of fiber, which helps keep the digestive system healthy and efficient. Onions also contain vitamin B6, folate, potassium, manganese and are a very good source of vitamin C.

Health Benefits of Onions

Onions were used originally by American settlers to treat colds, coughs and to repel insects and in Chinese medicine they have been used to treat angina, coughs, bacterial infections and breathing problems. The health benefits of onions go beyond old wives tales. It is scientifically proven that onion extract can help asthma sufferers and an onion even contains oligomers which can reduce the risk of colon cancer.

Onions and the Cardiovascular System

Onions share some of the health benefits of garlic, which many of us know are good for thinning the blood. Both foods contain sulphides which can help to lower blood lipids and blood pressure. Onions help to prevent blood clotting as they contain flavonoids and other substances which when consumed can dramatically reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. The chromium and vitamin B6 found in onions helps to increase cardiovascular health. Specifically, these compounds lower blood pressure and cholesterol.

Blood-Sugar Level

The more red onion you eat, the lower your blood-sugar glucose levels will be. This is because of ally propyl disulfide and chromium, both of which are found in red onions. Manage your diabetes with free tools from DiabetesCare.net. Red onions control blood sugar

Gastrointestinal Health

If you are looking to lower your chances of colon cancer and related diseases, add red onions to your diet at least twice a week. Quercitin, one of the flavinoids found in onions, is known to be very beneficial to gastrointestinal health.


A study in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry found that red onions are also beneficial to overall bone health. A compound known as GPCS is responsible for this, and it does so by inhibiting cells that break down bones.

Anti inflammatory

Red onions reduce inflammation in the bones and throat, as well as in blood vessels. This reduces many of the symptoms of osteoporosis, asthma and even the common cold.

Other Benefits of Onions

Onions are good for almost every part of the body. They provide support for bone and connective tissue and offer anti-inflammatory benefits. In addition, onions help protect against cancers such as ovarian and mouth.

Volatile oil contained in the water of red onion is useful to kill most microbes, staphylococci, streptococci as well as microbes that can cause disease and inflammation of the thoracic esophagus.

  1. It can also kill microbes diphtheria, amoebic dysentery and tuberculosis microbe. Red onion is really capable of eliminating these bacteria in a short time.
  2. The Steam of red onions can be used to clean wounds and to heal.
  3. Can activate the movement of the stomach.
  4. Chewing red onions for a few minutes to clean the mouth of microbes including diphtheria microbe.
  5. Inhaling the smell of red onions or eating it can cause a volatile oil containing sulfate and can get into human blood, which later can kill microbes that can cause disease.
  6. Shallots also have elements similar to the hormone insulin that can help reduce blood sugar levels.
  7. Eating red onions which is still raw or cooked mixed with the cheese can minimize the occurrence of blood clots.
  8. To cure whooping cough and pneumonia by using a red onion as a compress on the chest. If placed on the kidneys and bladder, can heal difficult urination. If placed on both feet, then it can cure the disorder in the function of blood settings. And if placed on the wound, it will issue a dirty pus and blood. How to make a compress of garlic is to chop onion into small pieces and then heated. After that, placed in the area who wants to be treated, and then tied with a cloth. Replace the bandage every 12 hours.
  9. The pieces of red onion can be used also to treat eye lets on foot, by way of affixing the pieces of the onion around eyelets in the afternoon until early morning. Repeat this until the release fish eye from the foot, then wash with warm water and soap.
  10. Red Onion water can be used to bandage on the cut part of the body to relieve pain.
  11. Red onion if boiled with olive oil can be used to treat cracked nipples and hemorrhoids.
  12. Steeping the red onions can be used to eliminate worms in children, by way of brewing the pieces of onion and put it in water and stored throughout the night, then during the day time drunk to the child after being mixed with honey. Repeat this process every morning until the worm is really out in full.
  13. Red union can also remove worms in the stomach and cure hemorrhoids. How to make it as a purgative of a red onion that has been heated around for about 3 minutes in 1 liter of water. In this case, use red onion whose medium or small size that can be inserted into the anus.
  14. Inhaling aroma of red onion to treat dizziness and fainting. Because it smells so piercing that can stimulate the circulatory and respiratory functions. Similarly, nerve functions. Thus, red onions can be used as first aid rather than having to use ammonia.



LOKI (gourd)

Gourd (Loki) is a vegetable. Some are long in shape and some are round. It looks light green outside and white inside, It is bigger than cucumber but with softer skin and texture. It is quite watery. They grow on liana and shrubs. Gourds contain mineral salts, vitamins. They are easily digested. Sick people are advised to eat gourds. It removes constipation and thus makes the function of intestines normal.

Our respectable prophet Hazrat Muhammad sallallaho alaihewassalam loved to eat gourd. It purifies blood, maintains cholesterol and sugar level. Juice of gourds if taken early morning helps improve eye sight. It balances the immunity system because it helps all organs to work normally. It is more advantageous to eat in summer as it has soothing effect.


It is used in making different dishes like:


Raita: Loki boiled n mashed or grated raw mix with yogurt, mint leaves, chopped onions, salt and black pepper


Koftey: boiled Loki mashed and made balls cooked as curry

Cooked with mutton Loki IS very delicious and good for health 


Kheer:, grated Loki cooked with milk and sugar and sprinkled with chopped dry fruit makes it more tasty n beneficial.

 Loki Soup:

Take one Loki and remove skin and cut into pieces.   Add 1 glass of water. Add one tomato and salt, black pepper caraway seeds 1/4 of spoon. Cook in pressure cooker for 10 minutes. Mash it and strain. Add little bit of cream or butter before serving. Enjoy!


How to make Loki Juice:

The easiest way to make Loki Juice is to grate with home grater. Then put the grated Loki on tea strainer then squeeze it with big spoon or table spoon by putting pressure. Or instead of spoon squeeze it with clean hands. Collect the liquid in glass.

You can also add grounded black pepper or black salt to suit your taste. You can add honey or lemon to improve its taste. Don’t add sugar.

Loki Juice is best unknown medicine to the world. But now is getting more popular worldwide.  According to Ayurveda it is very good for health.

Below are the few benefits of Loki:

1. It is 96% water.
2. Excellent source of green nutrition.
3. Can easily be digested.
4. Very light on stomach
5. 100 Gram of Loki contains only 12 calories.
6. Helps treating urinary problems
7. Help to get rid of burning sensation in stomach
8. It helps remove excessive fat from body.
9. Very good for liver.
10. It can be cooked in many ways

11. It is good for controlling diabetes, High Blood Pressure all diseases.
12. There are no side effects
13. It takes 3 hours to digest

 Helps in loosing weight quickly if you just eat boiled/cooked in steam Loki without ghee/cheese/oils

                                Gourd consists: proteins—-     0.2 %

Carbohydrates—                         2.9 %

Fats—–                                          0.1 %

Calcium —-                                  0.02 %

Iron—–                                        0.7 %

Phosphorus —-                           0.01 %

Water —-                                     96.3 %

   Use only good Loki, which is NOT bitter or has bad taste, Loki can be dangerous if it is bitter or has bad taste.
Tips: Don’t eat raw Loki it can cause problems in your stomach. It should be fresh small in size because Big Size Loki may have harmful chemicals to grow it big, so go for smaller ones.

Just taste little bit before cooking. If it’s bitter don’t use it.

Loki’s/ Loki/White Gourd and other names):
1. Kaddu in Punjabi
2. Tarkari in Marathi
3. Squash in English


Stay young healthy and active by eating, Loki the God’s one of the most useful vegetables!


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