Just Bliss

Archive for December 9th, 2014

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Don’t be so solemn now, follow me,

We’ll amend entire picture, follow me;

To turn to dust is vital, but not now,

The Blue sky shielding us, follow me;

Eyelids move down by each water wave,

Moon is like silvery sedan, follow me

O! My restless soul, I’m still living,

Entire body is a wound, follow me;

Listlessness has tarnished our limbs,

The garden is vanishing, follow me;

While you are fond of speaking truth,

OK fine, wear thy shroud, follow me;

Comrades have auctioned revolution,

Put away cuffs n chains, follow me;


A fortnight back we went Passport Office to get my grandchildren’s passport renewed.

It takes a whole day in Pass Port office to go through different departments and wait in long queues.  We all got very bored to tears and hungry too. My daughter her children and I all went out to search a hotel or shop to buy something to eat. Everywhere there was rush of people as it is the centre of the city and only one office so people crowded like flies. Only heads of people are seen either standing in queues in Passport Office in front of any window or waiting for their turn outside the office in front of food shops and restaurants.

Seeing no chance to get anywhere, we came to a mobile burger place. The man was modest and looked clean. his hair cut, his face and his nails were very  clean and properly looked after.

All things he used making burger like kebabs, buns, plates, eggs, stove, frying plate, water and glasses along with his moving pushcart were clean in the open air so we decided to eat his burgers. They tasted good too. I love to talk to anyone I come across. I like to know about the person and all about he would like to share. So he told me that he has 4 small kids, wife and parents to take care of. Not only has this but taken care of his widow sister and her kids. I asked him about his working hours and who makes so many kebabs daily. He said he gets up before the dawn breaks and prepares necessaries then pushing his cart walks to this palace.( His home is quite far from that place)  from dawn to dust he’s there serving passers by standing continuously. I was very impressed talking to him as it was around 4 pm and he bore the same smile fresh smile on his face. I asked him if he earns enough to take home. He said; “I am happy that I work hard, work honestly and serve honestly. I’m blessed and thus grateful to almighty”

I requested him to have a photo with me which he happily agreed though very busy.

I respect all those working hard meticulously in any capacity any designation, big or small. My hats off to each one of them!

i’m forgetful so forgot his name 😦

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