Just Bliss

Archive for March 4th, 2015


(She is my very respected dear sister in law who spends her night in worshiping Allah and never  hurts any one with her words or deeds. May she live long to  illuminate us with her wisdom. She’s very literary and an institute within herself. Very hospitable, humble and always smiling )

Intention is an alchemic treatment that can turn base into noble gold.It is sometimes interpreted that good intentions justify bad deeds too and turn sins creditable. This is entirely wrong. Sin is always a sin, no matter how noble the intention may be. For example if someone breaks into a house to steal with the intention of giving away as alms whatever he would steal, would be a thief deserving the set punishment. His good intentions would not earn him any merit nor would his sin be pardoned.

Similarly if;

  • One treats his children with love because it earns him merit
  • Hospitality to guests is an act of merit
  • Planting a sapling or plant in the house so that it may one day be of use of some man or animal and please the onlooker would be a good deed
  • If a woman dresses herself in beautiful attire and wears ornaments and adorns herself to please her husband and if a man remains clean and neat to please his wife, both are good deeds
  • If a watch is worn to know the value of time which is indented to be spent on good deeds, it is an act that earns merit

May Almighty guide us all to lead a pious and healthy life to help others and be rewarded

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