Just Bliss

Under the street lights

Posted on: August 16, 2016


Yesterday while reading the blogs of other bloggers a phrase seized my present and carried me to my past.

After graduating from school, I was inquisitive and excited to be in college. Feeling a like a free bird. We could bunk classes, we could enjoy more in college than school’s strict DOS and DONTS environment. We met and made new friends from different schools and different back grounds. I believe every human being is a world in him.  Hence I’m very curious to know about new people and their life.

There I met two sisters. They looked very different from other girls in their clothes and behavior.  They were very composed, shy, sort of introvert and hesitant to mix with other girls.  This ignited the desire in me to know about them so I extended my hand to be friends with them. Cautiously but positively they responded back.  With time we became closer and things started to unveil between us. Saeeda were four sisters. Their mother was a midwife in a small private clinic. Their father was drug addicted and was just a liability on them. He only yelled abused, slept, ate beat anyone of them who came in front. They lived a miserable life in meager salary of their mother in one rented room. They were unprivileged but self respected people. All this description is common in our poor class, so not very astonishing. What amazed me more was how they studied and reached college level? They had no electricity and no other facility. So one day I asked this sensitive question. They said that they study at night in moon light.  Being girls they couldn’t go outside their home to study under street lights. They couldn’t even afford to buy kerosene oil to light a lantern or buy candles. This made me respect them more. We became very good and close friends. Their mother allowed them to visit our home so often they visited. It was pleasure and pride for our family to serve them. I learnt patience and commitment from them. Years later I came to know they got scholarship on merit and Saeeda and her sister became doctors. Saeeda was then married to a banker.

Their honesty, endurance, hard work and dedication earned them every facility. Allah helps those who help themselves



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