Just Bliss

Butter Smooth

Posted on: September 25, 2015

old man

The speedy car stopped running over the old man with a screech.

Hearing the loud shrill people gathered from nearby and surrounded the smashed car.

The driver died at the spot. He was immediately taken to hospital in the car that was following him

But an old frail figure was is torn rags and  broken bones and profusely bleeding. He died after being involved in a collision with a car while crossing the road
His face was full of blood, cuts and bruises. People watched him trying to recognize him. Then suddenly one of the boy from the crowd shouted saying, “Oh its Ishaq Baba, I know him”

People stepped forward to see Ishaq Baba who was a friend of all. His words echoed in their ears, “I was among those hard working laborers who crushed stones under the scorching sun with our hands and laid the foundation of this one kilo meter road. We made it smooth like butter for the speedy cars to flow on it”

It was now Ishaq who made the road butter smooth when he was alive  and his blood made it colorful ———–

13 Responses to "Butter Smooth"

That’s the irony of the life 😦 sometime when you make some one something and that someone after becoming something sometimes become the reason of your death 😦
Is it a true story??

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no, made up, but that happens

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Wow wonderful story 🙂

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thank you but sad one too

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yeah 🙂 we can’t expect happy endings every time 🙂

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How very sad, what a way to end a life.

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yeah that’s one shade of life


I feel pleasure to nominate you for creative blogger Award. please accept


Alas I must decline, I am not creative at all.

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no you musn’t decline please, i’m waiting dear for your words


This is so sad, Tanveer. Poor man and hope his next part of life will be much happier. He deserves a better “after life.” Take care, Robin xo

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[…] Butter Smooth […]

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I feel pleasure to nominate you for creative blogger Award. please accept


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