Just Bliss

The real joy of life is to have wisdom

Posted on: November 5, 2014

                                                    Allah is most kind and merciful 


Almighty Allah created man and his mind with its purpose set on achieving knowledge, the most important of which is that Allah alone is the Creator and all the rest are worshippers (slaves). By worshipping anything other than Allah, man becomes enslaved to Satan, who is himself a creature and becomes harnessed to his own bias qualities.

Prophet Idris was one of the prophets.

When Prophet Idris alaihessalam got heartbroken like all other prophets, due to non believers’ immoral activities, he left them and disappeared for almost twenty years. There was no rain for very long time. Allah punished them with drought.

When animals and people died of hunger and the life became miserable, the people asked for forgiveness.  Allah being most merciful, sent back Idris to his people

Prophet Idris then begged Allah to forgive and to bring an end to drought. Allah granted his demand and the drought ended. There were heavy rains again. The land became alive and fertile once more.

The Learned Prophet

Prophet Idris alaihessalam was given wisdom in various fields of knowledge and the ability to create things that can make the human’s life easier For example, alphabets and writing, mathematics, astronomy, philosophy and etc. He was the first man who learnt to write with pen. He was the first man to show people how to measure weights and balance.  He taught them about the movements of planets.

He was the first man to make weapons for hunting and defense. He also taught people to stitch clothes with needle and thread.

Consequently he brought about a remarkable change in the moral and social life of the people.

Some sayings of Hazrat Idris

  1. Do not feel jealous of the prosperity of others for what they have, as they will only enjoy it for a short while.
  2. He who has unlimited desires, is deprived of the wealth of contentment.
  3. One should be sincere in acts of devotion
  4. It is an act of serious sin to take false oaths.
  5. Patience is a key to victory
  6. He who controls his passions is fortunate. Only a good act will be a living petition before Allah on the Day of Judgment
  7. One who is desirous of attaining perfection in knowledge should have no concern with immoral acts.
  8. Happy is he who looks at his own deeds and appoints them as pleaders to his Allah
  9. None can show better gratitude for Allah’s favors than he who shares them with others.
  10. He who indulges in excess will not benefit from it.
  11. The real joy of life is to have wisdom

7 Responses to "The real joy of life is to have wisdom"

I like this! If one lacks wisdom I do believe it will be given if you ask! I like your post!


Thank you so much for dropping by. wish you happiness:)


Reblogged this on MrMilitantNegro™.


We need kindness and mercy in this world. Thank you! Thank Allah. ❤


Thank you Cindy dear 🙂 bright blessings


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