Just Bliss

Keep 3 things greasy to stay healthy

Posted on: August 15, 2014


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Hakim Zia Ur Rehman (ayurvedic doctor) suggests that if nose, navel (belly button) and anus are kept greasy 3 times a day, will act as guard against ailments like dizziness, headache, depression, boredom, stiff muscles, anger, irritation, watery eyes, sleeplessness, restlessness, backache, indigestion and epilepsy in children.

Ladies and men who wish to keep hold of their beauty and age should apply this and see the magical effects.

Why and how this small act work is magically is very simple.

Pollution, dirt and dryness are main causes of all such problems. We intake anti allergic tablets and pain killers to get rid of health hazards but fail to do so, they do give us relief but for very short period. And antibiotic medicines have other negative side effects too. So this simple and easy way can save us from so many problems and help us stay healthy and happy. There will be less domestic clashes tooJ

Healthy life leads to healthy society minimizing offense and confrontation and accidents.

Many people have applied and got benefitted.

Dr. Zia suggests applying Vaseline or petroleum jelly is better as it stays longer in nostrils rather than oil or lotion or cold cream.

There’s no harm trying I think.


3 Responses to "Keep 3 things greasy to stay healthy"

Amazing…sounds more informative and useful…

Liked by 2 people

I learnt this from Ayurveda, to grease those three places, but slacked on it. I will pick it up again because of your reminder, but I understood ghee to be good. Thank you. 🙂


you are right. ghee is best

Liked by 1 person

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